We have started putting together a Red Tent Village, complete with sumptuous decor and nurturing goodies for women who are on their moon time, and we have offered it at various women’s gatherings and festivals. The main Red Tent is a safe, sacred space for menstruating women, women who no longer menstruate, or women otherwise in need of the space to relax and receive the blessings of their spirits. Staff and volunteers would ideally be mustered to serve these women, for childcare, set up, clean up, and logistical support. We hope to eventually also have a community tent, where red tent staff, non-menstruating women and girls, and those who love and honor women can gather in the spirit of support and respectful exchange. Information about healthy, sustainable menstruation choices will be available at this tent. Eco-friendly menstruation products would ideally be available as well.
The Moon Hut Project has been incorporated as a nonprofit voluntary women's health organization. This process is on hold as community discussion evolves around the question of whether and when we want to continue forming as an NPO. (The next step in the government paperwork department would be filing form 1023 with the IRS to make our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status official. Any helpful advice on that front would be very welcome. Ideally, we would consult with a nonprofit law professional before filing.) For the time being we are working to develop our programs and strengthen our identity and presence in our community.
The community-building task is always on the table. For our mission to succeed, we need to network and reach out to as many women as possible. Healthy community is necessary to maintain individual women's health, and a truly healthy community holds a place for each individual. So please spread the word. Our Related Links page provides a list of relevant groups and services. Please let us know if you have ideas for more woman-empowering links. There are some exciting things happening in the Red Tent movement, including local groups meeting in some areas.
Contribute your voice! We invite you to complete and return our Women's Survey to help us define the need for our services in the future.
Eventually, we plan to have a home office that will serve both as HQ for TMHP and as a Red Tent in our community.
We have started collecting information and resources for a women's health reference library, currently housed in the Red Tent House. Please let us know if you have suggestions or items to donate.
We have started collecting information and resources for a women's health reference library, currently housed in the Red Tent House. Please let us know if you have suggestions or items to donate.
If you are interested in being involved with any part of this project, including forming the vision in these early planning and development stages, please contact us! Financial support is also welcome; we hope to be set up to process credit card donations soon. Please send enquiries to axanthy(at)gmail(dott)com and we will get back to you.
Contact Us, or click Donate.