
Related Links

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The plan is to reorganize by location.  If you have something to add, please contact us!

These links are to an eclectic offering of websites dedicated to wisdom, healing, and growth. May you find something here that resonates with you.

Womb Wisdom Webs:
moon cycle magik (California) http://www.mooncyclemagik.com/#
Red Lightning (Burning Man) http://www.redlightning.org
The Red Web Foundation (California) http://www.redwebfoundation.org
Temple of the Red Moon (British Columbia) http://redmoon13.ning.com
Wise Woman MoonLodge (New York) http://www.susunweed.com/moonlodge.htm
Womb Shamans (Georgia) http://wombshamans.ning.com

More Women's Webs:
Red Tent Heart of England (UK) http://redtentengland.ning.com

Women of Womb Wisdom:
body mind spirit baby (Minnesota) http://mywomb.net
DeAnna L'am/Red Moon (California) http://deannalam.com/deannalam.htm
The Women's Way Program (California) http://www.womensway.ws/index.htm

More Women of Wisdom:
Claudia Ann Wood (Jamaica) http://www.claudiaannwood.com/index1.html
Deanna Reiter (Minnesota) http://www.dayawati.com
earth selkie (British Columbia) http://www.shamanicreiki.ca
Jasmin Starrchild (British Columbia) http://www.goldendove.net/home/home.html
Krystan AlecSandra-Bray/Ormes Temple (Washington DC) http://www.ormestemple.com/

Wiser Women and Webs:

Museum of Menstruation http://www.mum.org/

Relevant Publications and Publishers:
Ash Tree Publishing (New York) http://www.ashtreepublishing.com

Relevant Film and Video:
Bloodtime Moontime Dreamtime http://www.originaldigital.net/bmd

Hanakia Zedek (Minnesota) http://www.hanakiazedek.org
NDN Exchange (California) http://ndnexchange.com
Sacred Rearrangements (Minnesota) http://sacredrearrangements.com

Note: The locations listed designate the home base for these women and organizations. Their spheres of influence are much wider. Listings are alphabetical by category.